This is a common alternative remedies guidance from my own experience to improve your health.


Chicken skin

Chicken skin (Keratosis pilaris) is a condition which indicates lack of moisture and imbalance immune system. You need to bring moisture back to your skin, by increasing water intake as well as moisturizing your skin. In addition, you need to restore balance through nutrition and detoxification to remove the toxins that are affecting your immune health.

  • Soak the skin for 30 minutes in a warm water bath containing a few tablespoons of Vitamin E oil
  • Use a humidifier during winter which will help to moisturize the skin. 
  • Application of emollients will help to moisturize the skin. Creams containing lactic acid are available over the counter. They will remove keratin build up. The suitability of the cream to the skin must be tested first. 
  • Natural, like salicylic acid from the willow bark, is gentler on sensitive skin types and it’s therefore a lot better than the chemical variations.
  • Another ingredient that seem a bit strange to most people is snail secretion from the common garden snail. Believe it or not, this ingredient is found in many skin care creams to trigger skin renewal. This ingredient has the ability to penetrate the skin and deal with the problem from its root, which is what you want to look for to control Keratosis Pilaris. 
  • Regular application of raw cider vinegar on skin is another method. Take balanced diet and drink plenty of water. Keratosis Pilaris can be cured only if treated for a long time. Hence the treatment must be continued with patience and perseverance. 
Here are a few simple tips for managing the condition:
  • Regular cleansing and gentle exfoliation is considered effective in the management of the condition. Mix one part of freshly squeezed lemon juice with three parts of honey and apply it locally on the skin. Wash the home made lotion with warm water after about half an hour. Lemon is a natural cleanser and helps remove dead and damaged cells from the skin. 
  • Sun bathing is considered as effective technique to manage the condition. Use sun block to prevent damage caused by exposure to the sun and limit sun bathing to about half an hour each day. 
  • Local application of coconut oil or using baby moisturizer has been found effective in prevent the advent of the condition and reducing the symptoms associated with Keratosis Pilaris 
In addition there are several other life style modifications which can help reduce the intensity of the symptoms associated with the condition. Use a mild soap, consume vitamin A supplements on regular basis and include flax seeds and hemp in your diet. These foods contain essential fatty acids which can help improve the quality and texture of the skin 
Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol. These modifications are meant to improve the quality of the skin and limit the progression of this condition.