This is a common alternative remedies guidance from my own experience to improve your health.


Sugar, the silent enemy

For diabetics, like for everyone, is very difficult to resist temptation of a "sweet mouth". Before our times, was used honey, fruits nothing being modified. Did you imagine how much sugar do you eat only at your breakfast? Let's take a look together, all sweetness shown below are very attractive but very unhealthy.

Top 10 Tips for Tasty and Healthy Meals

A few simple meal planning and preparation tips will help you to produce healthy, delicious food that you will love. Preparing food that both tastes good and is good for you is not a magic trick.

How to read food labels when you have diabetes

When you are enrolled in diabetics’ range your life is completely changed. You must forget your old life with all sweetness and cookies. In these days there isn't a specific diet, but only to care of amount carbohydrates and fat. In my opinion we must learn to live with healthy principles and change as much as possible our routine.

A powerful antioxidant

Resveratrol is a powerful antioxidant produced naturally by several plants and found in certain foods, including wines. This is believed to help prevent heart disease and certain cancers, in addition to reducing inflammation and increasing metabolism to aid fat loss. A low doses of the compound may prevent or treat so-called "diseases of aging," such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Healthy way to lose weight and stay thin

Everything started when the doc bluntly confirmed that my husband is diabetic, and just like the rest of his family, he will lose vision and feelings in his legs and whatnot. This is what finally scared to death my significant other. We all know that there are good medications for this illness and that a lot of people have it. That’s all true, but his relatives have a more difficult and complicated form of diabetes, which actually killed a couple of unlucky ones within a couple of months.

Chicken skin

Chicken skin (Keratosis pilaris) is a condition which indicates lack of moisture and imbalance immune system. You need to bring moisture back to your skin, by increasing water intake as well as moisturizing your skin. In addition, you need to restore balance through nutrition and detoxification to remove the toxins that are affecting your immune health.

Toe Nail Fungus

A toenail fungus infection is caused by the same fungus that is responsible for an athlete's foot infection. Often, a toenail fungus infection is caused by an untreated athlete's foot infection that has spread to the toenails. Fungus in the toenails can be tricky to treat because the fungus is protected underneath the toenail. If treatment is ended too early, before all the fungus is killed, the infection can come back quickly. There are several natural remedies available to treat toenail fungus. Natural treatments should be continued for at least two weeks after all signs of the fungus infection is gone.